Sunday, March 22, 2009

Second Posting:-How blogging can assist language learners to improve and enhance their writing skills?

I have found a blog which I think that is interesting and suit me which is "Happiness Blog". This blog contains key happiness habit and secrets of a happy life. It is a blog written by Michele Moore. There are 4 key thing which are

Don’t hand control of your thoughts, actions or feelings over to outside forces or people who try to hurt or harass you.

Don’t Give Them Emotional Control Over You.

Decide How You Are Going To Think, Act and Feel.

Choose Your Mood and Your Attitude.

Beside that, we also have to

Habitually Happy People Continually Try To Do Their Best, Feel Their Best, Be Their Best All Of The Time.
Truth, Honesty And Integrity Are Essential To Happiness.
The Happiest People In The World Are The Most Loving People.

From here, we can learn how to lead a happy life wherever we are. This is the url,
The path to happiness is universal, open to everyone, everywhere. For some of us other things are more important than happiness… security, social significance, power, prominence, or perhaps creativity or making a lasting, important, indelible impact or contribution.

Blogging is a collaborative tool widely used by the Internet users. Blogging technology allows users to create knowledge by means of collaborating with others. I for one like blogging and it's my way to enhance or to improve my writing. It does not only expresses my thoughts but also improves my writing skills. I advise English learners to try and practice your writing skills. If you're reluctant to post a blog entry, try it out with comments. Like posting comments on my blogs. Scared that you might write it incorrectly, don't worry we're all learners. We learn by committing mistakes first. Leave a comment on my blogs, and I will correct them. Blogging improved students’ writing and supported development of related skills and knowledge. In addition to these intended outcomes, a number of unintended benefits emerged from the project. Students transferred knowledge learned during the collaborative project to other academic and social facets of the classroom. Students’ technology skills improved even though official technology-related instruction was not provided. Students developed visual literacy skills as they transformed the essays into online presentations. Finally, blogging enabled differentiated instruction while ensuring success for each student.

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